Balloon Distractions Jam
September 4th, 2008
The Gang!
Randy Crain - Orlando Regional Leader
Randy decided we were going to duplicate the Betallic Survivor Challenge. So, we had ourselves a little contest and I think it turned out great! There were some awesome sculptures and I only wish I knew how to post them all without taking up so much space.
So, rather than post them all, I'm sticking to the 3 finalists. Hope you enjoy! I know I had a blast watching everything come together. I attempt the Betallic Challenge every year at the convention and I know just how hard this contest can be. Just the same, EVERYONE on the crew did a GREAT job and I had a blast getting to watch all the creative minds come together.
Nate Beaver & Danielle Moses 1st place $25 Regal Card
Justin Osborne & Jenny Cassey 1st place $20 plus a bag of Betallic balloons
Rami Shafi 3rd place $10 Publix Gift Card & bag of Betallic balloons
In light of the most recent Balloon Distractions Jam in Orlando, I decided to post a few pictures from past Jams as well...
Above (from left to right): Bowling ball hat, Lauren Blanset with her Yoshi, A display piece for a restaurant, and the "Traffic Girl" or hostess for Winners Grill.
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