At Epcot, we walked around the food and wine festival and tried some amazing foods. There was Manatee in Istanbul (They mispelled it as Manti though. It's okay, I can't spell that wall either.), there was an AMAZING chedder soup in Canada, and there were some pretty decent pot stickers in China. What can I say? Food is awesome.
While walking around Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party Friday night, I was privaledged to run into Billy Damon ( twisting on the Main Street. He recognized me (even though I was dressed up as Harry Potter) and went out of his way to make a Birthday hat for one of our group. Not only is he a super nice guy, he also is a great balloon artist. It was great getting to see him perform.
And of course, I had to twist a few balloons while I was there too... A Minnie Mouse in honor of the parks, and I made a bracelet for Stephanie who wore it around ALL day long. It made me smile when I realized that walking out of the park.
On Monday, I went to a balloon jam in Tampa, put on by miss Kathryn. So, thanks is definately in order for her. It was a lot of fun and I was able to meet some new balloon artists in the area. So, that's always good.
Actually, I found out I'm suposed to be teaching her Halloween stuff too. So, I'm throwing in a picture of a balloon I made Tuesday night while I was working that got a great reaction from those around me. So, yeah... This is for you Kat.
Speaking of Beefs on Tuesday night... I totally went to the wrong Beef's. So, I just wanted everyone to know that I was late and felt like a complete idiot to say the least. Either way, I threw on my smile and kept on twisting.
The couple of highlights I have for the evening are a nice tip, crazy hats, and a new design.
Not only did I make a $20 tip at a table, but I also got to make a LOT of different crazy hats all night long. As always, those are my favotire and I'm going to post another picture just because I can.
Not only did I create the cat on the pumpkin above, but I also was trying to come up with some more romantic shapes. I started making a giraffe and then tried to turn it into a heart. This is what I came up with.
I liked it. I think it could use some work, but I liked it.
Anyway... That's it for this week. Hope you were all able to get something out of it.
Oh!!!! And I almost forgot. I will be in Japan on Monday. So, after that, I may have to start typing in Japanese.
Okay, maybe not. I still think it would be pretty cool.
While I'm over there, I'm hoping to be able to twist at a number of different types of places and I am looking forward to sharing stories and photos with you all once I'm there. So, keep a look out and keep your fingers crossed that I'll be able to adapt to the culture. I heard it is quite the learning curve. I'll need all the help I can get.
Thanks again!
And until next time...
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