Monday, October 6, 2008

Twisting the night away

Saturday at Vallartas I had a LOT of fun as I always do. I did two things that I really loved. First, I made a bunch of abstract, conected hats. It was bunches of fun to make and I had a blast goofing off with the children.


The second thing I did was create an entire costume for someone at the restaurant. This guy was an AWESOME sport and totally let me dress him up in all kinds of crazy balloons. I saw his shirt and decided he was going to be a spear fisherman. So, this is what I came up with.


China Buffet was a LOT of fun! This table was great. Everyone was very open to getting a balloon and I was able to have a blast designing and creating a conected hat. If you'll notice the young man on the right, he's in handcuffs. He was slick enough to steal my five dollar bill out of my shirt pocket, so I had to make sure he wouldn't be able to do it again.


I was asked to make a wolf, but I failed drastically and decided to turn this into a Wiley Coyote that I saw Darin Williams make a long time ago. I do not make one anywhere as nice as he does, but I'm going to definately look him up and see if I can't figure out exactly how he does his version. (She liked it anyway and it turns out that her grandpa absolutely LOVES the Road Runner cartoons. So, it went over VERY well.)


So, as you can imagine, I recieved another request at the same table... The Road Runner. Here's the completed pair.


At this table, I had a blast too! I made an octopus bracelet, a giraffe, and I was getting ready to make something else crazy and wild when I was challenged to make a Mickey Mouse. So, this is what I came up with. The heart is something I came up with to create a shortcut for my self so I wouldn't have to try and figure out how to make the body.

This figure actually caused trouble later in the night because I had two other tables ask for it. I told the first one no. (Which I later realized was probably a mistake.) And so, to be fair, I didn't make one for the second table either. (Instead I made them a beautiful row of ducks based on I believe a Ralph Dewey design I saw a long time ago. I did not take a picture of that one. Sorry.)


After working all afternoon at China Buffet, I headed to the Zendah Grotto to swing dance and to celebrate Liz's birthday. Last week she wanted a llama. This week, however, she decided on a turtle hat.


Also at her party, Sam wanted a pig. Mostly because I was lazy and tired from swing dancing and twisting all day, I added giant eyes on it so that I wouldn't have to draw them. Even though it was orriginally just me being lazy, I think it is a GREAT touch and I'll probably start adding it to all my large pig sculptures.


Right before I could leave the Zendah Grotto, I had this lovely young lady come up to me and request a balloon. So, I willingly picked up my apron and was going to give it a go at another balloon before I headed out the door.

She asked for a heart. I didn't want to just make a quick heart, so I decided to add some things to it. I started with a monkey, then two, and then I decided I was going to try something completely new. I added a tree. AND I LOVED IT! So, I added a couple of coconuts and added the cheesy phrase, "I'm cocoNUTS for you!"

She loved it. And I found a new favorite sculpture.


This is from TX Roadhouse and is a logo or a mascot for something. He said to make a monkey in a red cape playing baseball. I liked it. I only wish I could remember what it was for.


This is my new favorite hat. It is a good picture of the people at the table, but not the best picture of the hat. That's my fault. Once I can get a better picture of the hat, I'll add it into another blog.


Again... Another favorite hat and the last hat of the night working at Tx Roadhouse. This is actually a friend from school that I grew up with and I hadn't seen him in a long time. So, when he asked how long it took to put together a hat... I didn't just tell him, I showed him!


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